OMC Tyre Stewardship Fee Policy

Tyrewise fee policy

What is the Tyre Stewardship Fee?

The Tyre Stewardship Fee is a regulated charge applied to all eligible tyres in New Zealand to support the responsible management of end-of-life tyres. This fee ensures that tyres are collected, processed, and recycled rather than being stockpiled or illegally dumped.

The fee replaces previous ad-hoc tyre disposal charges and is administered through Tyrewise, New Zealand’s accredited product stewardship scheme for tyres. The regulations are governed by the Waste Minimisation Act 2008 and have been developed with industry consultation and government support.

For more information, visit Tyrewise and Tyrewise FAQs.

How the Fee is Applied

1. OMC Imported Products – Non-Road Registered Vehicles

  • When OMC imports a shipment of machines, we declare and pay the stewardship fee to the Ministry for the Environment.
  • This fee is then passed on to the customer as a separate line item on the invoice.
  • This fee will show on the invoice as e.g. 'TW1' or similar.

2. OMC Imported Products – Road Registered Vehicles

  • The Tyre Stewardship Fee is collected by NZTA at the time of vehicle registration.
  • If OMC registers the machine, we charge this fee to the customer.
  • If the customer registers the machine themselves, OMC does not charge the fee.
  • This fee will show as e.g. 'TW2' or similar.

3. Domestic Purchases of Loose Tyres & Machines

  • When OMC purchases loose tyres or machines from domestic suppliers, we receive the stewardship fee as part of our costs.
  • We then on-charge this fee to the customer at the time of sale.
  • This fee will show as 'TW' or similar.

Why is OMC Charging This Fee?

As a responsible business, OMC is committed to compliance with New Zealand’s environmental regulations and supporting sustainable waste management. By including the Tyre Stewardship Fee as a separate line item on invoices, we ensure full transparency and educate customers on how this scheme contributes to a cleaner, greener New Zealand.

The fee directly supports initiatives that:

  • Prevent illegal dumping of tyres
  • Promote tyre recycling and repurposing
  • Reduce environmental hazards from stockpiled tyres
  • Encourage sustainable waste management solutions

For further details, visit:
Waste Minimisation (Tyres) Regulations 2023

Tyrewise FAQs

The Tyre Stewardship Fee

The tyre stewardship fee on new tyres makes sure they're properly recycled or repurposed when you're done with them.

What Tyrewise Does

Tyrewise ensures that all tyres in Aotearoa New Zealand are recycled or repurposed properly, saving millions from going to landfill.

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