Trench Rammers 101

Trench rammers are compact machines that are designed to pack soil, gravel or other materials in narrow or restricted spaces. In essence, they are very similar to plate compactors, but while plate compactors are better suited to large areas like driveways or foundation sites, trench rammers are better in small spaces and, as the name implies, trenches.
What are trench rammers used for?
Trench rammers provide a high level of compaction for increased stability, crucial for most jobs. Specifically, trench rammers are often used to level the ground beneath trenches, foundation piles, smaller landscaping tasks or in other tight corners or hard to access areas.
Choosing a trench rammer
The main thing to consider when choosing a trench rammer is the amount of compaction force it provides balanced with the weight and size of the machine itself. Usually, as the compaction force goes up, so does the weight of the machine, limiting its manoeuvrability.
For example, the Weber MT SRV 300 Trench Rammer is very lightweight at 32kg and provides 928kg impact force, making it ideal for compacting around pipes in trenches.
However, the Weber MT SRV 620 Trench Rammer is more than double the weight at 66.2kg but offers up to 18.2kN of impact force! That extra compaction force is crucial for bigger jobs like prepping for foundation piles.
If manoeuvrability is your main priority and a lower impact force is enough for your needs, you’d probably choose the SRV 300. But if you need that extra impact force and you’re willing to sacrifice some manoeuvrability, you’ll likely choose the SRV 620.
Tips for using a trench rammer
When it comes to actually using your trench rammer, here are a few tips to get the job done right.
- Plan ahead. Examine the type of soil that you’ll be compacting to get an idea of how easily it will compact and remove any debris or stones. Pay attention to the moisture level of the soil as well – too wet or too dry won’t produce a great result.
- Keep your machine in good working order. Check your fuel and oil levels before starting a job and keep up on regular maintenance to make sure the rammer is performing properly.
- Take your time while compacting. Don’t rush your passes over the site and make sure they overlap slightly for the best results. Remember, you’re just guiding the machine over the surface so it can do the work, don’t try to force the compaction action.
- Stay safe! Only use rammers on level ground and wear safety boots, eye protection and gloves. Ear protection may also be recommended depending on the type of compactor you’re using.
Overall, trench rammers are an incredibly useful tool on most construction sites. We stock a great range of trench rammers from Weber MT. Weber MT make some of the toughest, longest lasting rammers in the business and they all come with a standard 2-year commercial warranty and include Honda, Robin or Hatz engines.
Explore our range of trench rammers or get in touch with our experts to decide which model is right for your job site.